Goat Goods for the Good Life
Pondicherry: Premium Products, Permaculture, Positive Lifestyle~
"Pondicherry' is a word that, for us, playfully combined two important elements of our farm in Naples, Idaho. The naturally occurring Wildlife Pond and our Giant Cherry Tree, that stands in the yard. Our Love for our Guernsey Goats, good living, stewardship to nature, and evolution of inner self, have become the bones of the ever growing vision, which is Pondicherry Farms. With our small 2Goat dairy at our core, the healthy and quality products that we make from it, we hope that the abundance and pleasure we get from using these products in our own lives, benefits and uplifts yours as well. In this busy, digital age, that often distracts from our connection to the natural world, we hope that our focus on Plant and Animal based ingredients and the enjoyment of these products in our lives, inspires an awareness and appreciation for the bounty of the natural world, and our place in it as human beings, and our responsibility to it's care and survival. Thank You for being a part of Pondicherry Farms, wherever you are!
~Jim and Caroline Huntley and the Pondicherry Herd.