In 2007 Jim and Caroline Huntley were married and it was clear the next step was to find a piece of land that they could begin to create their vision, in reality, of how a to live the Good Life together. In a random add in a local paper at a laundry mat, Caroline discovered the listing and Jim wandered out to find the property soon there after. Immediately, signs appeared that they had found their home. A giant Moose Antler at the top of the hill, a bear siting, a long peaceful nap on a rainy day on the floor of the empty house. There was an old orchard, a garden spot and a large Beaver pond and a variety of gorgeous Timber. They had found their homestead, later to be known as Pondicherry Farms.

Jim and Caroline had there work cut out for them. From installing all of the Plumbing, electrical, septic, cabinets and wood work, it was sweat equity and a their DIY ambitions that fueled the progress on the property. Eventually, the project coalesced into a cozy cabin where The Huntley's could kick off their boots at the end of the day, sit on the porch, enjoy a beverage and take in the fruits of their labors.

While the homestead is just picking momentum up since the Huntley's return from their seven year stint as Managers of Burgdorf Hot Springs, the excitement upon waking each day to a labor of love and task at hand is a pleasure. Each day has something new, a new challenge, a new discovery of unseen mossy rock, a mushroom or a unexpected visit from one of our woodland neighbors, from Elk, to turkey to snowshoe hare. Each day a little progress is made, challenges are overcome, idleness surmounted and small accomplishments, like drops of water in an old bucket, cause the challis of Pondicherry Farms, to filled and run over, like the babble of the the mountain stream.
